Monday, January 14, 2008

Cherries, a life lesson...well, maybe

So if you know me, you know how addicted, yes addicted, I am to the Food Network. Not to mention I've seen most of the shows as reruns. So I'm watching a show about fruit and blah, blah, blah...lo and behold....


Remember as a kid, it was usually the dessert served in the cafeteria. Whether it was by itself, or made into jello, or some other kind of mystery dessert that was only recognizable by the fruit. Whatever it was, you were almost always judged by the number of cherries it contained. The more, the better, gave you the high esteemed honor of....what??? What did it actually mean? I really have no clue to this day. It just seemed it was important to brag about the number of cherries in your cocktail...and if you didn't have needed to hoover your dessert as fast as you could to avoid anyone else knowing....or you needed to try to steal your neighbors when they weren't looking. I guess this must have been the early lessons for many of those that judge others by the abundance of their "cherries." I, on the other hand, seemed to be the one that secretly managed to move them from my plate, to the plate of my neighbor, who always seemed to be devastated by not getting any cherries. I could see how much it mattered to those around me, but what did I care? I was the kid with the coke bottle glasses, I had my own problems. Who cares about some cherries?? It would just mean more ridicule on the playground not to have any. I was used to that, my friends weren't.
So I guess I wasn't one of the "cherry counters" in kindergarten, I was a "cherry giver."

Which one are you???

FYI-Did you know that Del Monte actually pays a person to count the number of cherries that go into their fruit? Each can must contain a minimum of 2 cherries.


1 comment:

Grandy said...

Very interesting, yet totally useless fact!! I was a cherry giver because I never really liked them. Then I learned somewhere that marichino cherries never really digest in your system. End of story! ;)