Michael(MZ) loves to ski. He went to college in Montana where skiing was almost a daily ritual during the winter. Since we've been together (2 years this July) he's gone on several ski trips. None of which I've been on...well, last year we planned a trip, but due to unplanned illnesses (yeah, like they're planned) we didn't go. So this year we've planned another trip for the two of us...which just happens to be this weekend.
Not very fond of the cold, or skiing...I am going and I've been told I will learn how to ski....
Remembering the first, and only time I've ever skied(sp?) in my life...I was a freshman in highschool and I went with a group. I had never been on skis...and after I was rescued by the entire ski patrol, I thought I would never be on skis again. Dens brought new meaning to the phrase "let's hit the slopes"hehehe...Not to mention the fact that it seemed like forever for my knee to heal after that trip.
Okay, so we are planning our trip for the weekend and since I am not very partial to the cold, I've decided to get some nice warm thermals to wear under my clothes to stay warm.
So I'm off to the mall (the place I hate) to JC Penny's...they should have them, they seem to have everything else....and better yet, there seems to be a sale on everything....looking through the women's dept., then the men's..hmmm where could they be...how about the lingere dept...ooo there's a nice nighty MZ would like..wait why am I here again..oh yeah, thermals...searching...bras, chonies, pj's...robes...hmm...hey some kid lost their backpack...okay, time to ask the clerk...
Dens: excuse me, I'm looking for thermal underwear...can you tell me where they might be?
Clerk: (looking a little confused) oh, we don't have any, it's not the right time of year for us to carry those.
I had no comment...
Dens thinking: what do you mean it's not the right time of year to carry thermal underwear?? It is winter, isn't it? It's friggin freezing outside and it's not the right time of year???
Well, I at least should find some other warm clothes to take...so searching back through the women's dept...hmmmm baithing suits? bikinis? shorts?...capri pants...tank tops? k...getting headache...need to get out of this store...this IS January...right?? Back in the car...freezing...still in shock...replaying the scene in my head all the way home.
I just don't see myself hitting the slopes in a bikini...where would I put my lift ticket???
Thanks for letting me ramble on...
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Just for fun....
Your Birthdate: April 25 |
![]() You excel at anything difficult or high tech. In other words, you're a total (brilliant) geek. It's difficult for you to find people worth spending time with. Which is probably why you'll take over the world with your evil robots! Your strength: Your unfailing logic Your weakness: Loving machines more than people Your power color: Tan Your power symbol: Pi Your power month: July |
Watch out...I'll sick my evil robots on you....hehehehe.....
Friday, January 25, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
You asked for it...
Okay, earlier this week I was tagged by Grandy for this meme from To Pick Just 7 is Difficult. So I could probably think of 7 things..but I don't have 7 blog friends..I guess I will have to find some.
Here is how it works:
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
So here goes:
-I lived in Australia for a year. I was 18 and it was pretty much a very long vacation. I was supposed to be there studying on an exchange program. I learned more than I ever would in books. It it the most awesome place!! If you ever get the chance to go, don't pass it up. It is so worth it!!
-I've seen the original Star Wars movie (IV) over 100 times. When we were kids, we got our first VCR. It was the only movie we owned. My brother and I lost count after 100. We could recite the movie from memory...very sad... But it is still a classic.
-My first car was a 1989 Yugo. Yes, those cars really existed. It was a great little car. It only needed a fill up about every 6 months...lol. It was painted Iroc Blue...we couldn't afford the real thing, so it was at least painted the same color. I've only known one other person in my lifetime that has owned one...in fact, I've never ever seen any other ones.
-I am a people watcher. I love to watch people in public places...especially when they don't know someone is watching them...that is the ultimate reality show.
-I live for chocolate!! I HAVE to eat some every day. It's a total addiction, I know. But it's a good one. I like all chocolates but the darker the better....and dark chocolate IS good for you.
-I am the queen of useless facts. If you haven't already guessed from previous posts. My brain is like a sponge for that stuff...one of these days that crap will come in handy.
-I snoop in other people's shopping carts. I like to see what kinds of things people buy....especially at Costco. I don't literally rifle through their cart...just have a peak and try to figure out what they will use that stuff for. I once saw a guy with an entire flat bed cart filled with huge bags of carrots...nothing else just carrots...hmm...I was so curious I actually asked him what he was going to do with so many carrots. I was disappointed to learn that he was just going to feed them to his horses....kinda makes you wonder.
Here is how it works:
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
So here goes:
-I lived in Australia for a year. I was 18 and it was pretty much a very long vacation. I was supposed to be there studying on an exchange program. I learned more than I ever would in books. It it the most awesome place!! If you ever get the chance to go, don't pass it up. It is so worth it!!
-I've seen the original Star Wars movie (IV) over 100 times. When we were kids, we got our first VCR. It was the only movie we owned. My brother and I lost count after 100. We could recite the movie from memory...very sad... But it is still a classic.
-My first car was a 1989 Yugo. Yes, those cars really existed. It was a great little car. It only needed a fill up about every 6 months...lol. It was painted Iroc Blue...we couldn't afford the real thing, so it was at least painted the same color. I've only known one other person in my lifetime that has owned one...in fact, I've never ever seen any other ones.
-I am a people watcher. I love to watch people in public places...especially when they don't know someone is watching them...that is the ultimate reality show.
-I live for chocolate!! I HAVE to eat some every day. It's a total addiction, I know. But it's a good one. I like all chocolates but the darker the better....and dark chocolate IS good for you.
-I am the queen of useless facts. If you haven't already guessed from previous posts. My brain is like a sponge for that stuff...one of these days that crap will come in handy.
-I snoop in other people's shopping carts. I like to see what kinds of things people buy....especially at Costco. I don't literally rifle through their cart...just have a peak and try to figure out what they will use that stuff for. I once saw a guy with an entire flat bed cart filled with huge bags of carrots...nothing else just carrots...hmm...I was so curious I actually asked him what he was going to do with so many carrots. I was disappointed to learn that he was just going to feed them to his horses....kinda makes you wonder.
So the rules tell me I'm supposed to tag 7 blog friends...well, I don't have that many.
Just Grandy and she tagged me first....but Mike Golch from rambling stuff stopped by so I guess I could count him as one too.
Participation is optional...enjoy.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Animal facts...useless of course
You might find some of these interesting...I would have added pics..but I'm still learning how to post this stuff.
-Kangaroos are lactose intolerant
Better switch to soy..I had to.
-Crab-eating seals don't eat crabs
Picky eaters!!
-Elephants adopt orphans
So that's what happened to Annie!!
-Foxes pollinate plants
Related to bees??? B-oxes??
-otters can get herpes
Ladies, use a condom
-Cows get hair balls
"Waiter, there's a hair in my sundae!"
-Horses can't sit
Um, like they'd fit in a chair...
-Sheep snore
Must be related to Michael...hehehe
-Armadillos can be housebroken
Yeah, how??
-Kangaroos are lactose intolerant
Better switch to soy..I had to.
-Crab-eating seals don't eat crabs
Picky eaters!!
-Elephants adopt orphans
So that's what happened to Annie!!
-Foxes pollinate plants
Related to bees??? B-oxes??
-otters can get herpes
Ladies, use a condom
-Cows get hair balls
"Waiter, there's a hair in my sundae!"
-Horses can't sit
Um, like they'd fit in a chair...
-Sheep snore
Must be related to Michael...hehehe
-Armadillos can be housebroken
Yeah, how??
Friday, January 18, 2008
I'm no Cruella!!
I found this. Not sure if I think it's true..but it's just for fun...
You Are 22% Evil |
![]() A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil. |
Who wants dessert?
I borrowed this from Grandy too...thanks, Mar!!
You Are a Brownie |
![]() Decadent and intense, you aren't for the weakhearted. Those who can deal with your strong flavor find out how sweet you really are. |
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I'm a green crayon!!
I "stole" this from Grandy at http://functionalshmunctional.blogspot.com/. A dear friend of mine who happens to be a red crayon.
You Are a Green Crayon |
![]() Your world is colored in harmonious, peaceful, natural colors. While some may associate green with money, you are one of the least materialistic people around. Comfort is important to you. You like to feel as relaxed as possible - and you try to make others feel at ease. You're very happy with who you are, and it certainly shows! Your color wheel opposite is red. Every time you feel grounded, a red person does their best to shake you. |
Monday, January 14, 2008
Cherries, a life lesson...well, maybe
So if you know me, you know how addicted, yes addicted, I am to the Food Network. Not to mention I've seen most of the shows as reruns. So I'm watching a show about fruit and blah, blah, blah...lo and behold....
Remember as a kid, it was usually the dessert served in the cafeteria. Whether it was by itself, or made into jello, or some other kind of mystery dessert that was only recognizable by the fruit. Whatever it was, you were almost always judged by the number of cherries it contained. The more, the better, gave you the high esteemed honor of....what??? What did it actually mean? I really have no clue to this day. It just seemed it was important to brag about the number of cherries in your cocktail...and if you didn't have any...you needed to hoover your dessert as fast as you could to avoid anyone else knowing....or you needed to try to steal your neighbors when they weren't looking. I guess this must have been the early lessons for many of those that judge others by the abundance of their "cherries." I, on the other hand, seemed to be the one that secretly managed to move them from my plate, to the plate of my neighbor, who always seemed to be devastated by not getting any cherries. I could see how much it mattered to those around me, but what did I care? I was the kid with the coke bottle glasses, I had my own problems. Who cares about some cherries?? It would just mean more ridicule on the playground not to have any. I was used to that, my friends weren't.
So I guess I wasn't one of the "cherry counters" in kindergarten, I was a "cherry giver."
Which one are you???
FYI-Did you know that Del Monte actually pays a person to count the number of cherries that go into their fruit? Each can must contain a minimum of 2 cherries.
Remember as a kid, it was usually the dessert served in the cafeteria. Whether it was by itself, or made into jello, or some other kind of mystery dessert that was only recognizable by the fruit. Whatever it was, you were almost always judged by the number of cherries it contained. The more, the better, gave you the high esteemed honor of....what??? What did it actually mean? I really have no clue to this day. It just seemed it was important to brag about the number of cherries in your cocktail...and if you didn't have any...you needed to hoover your dessert as fast as you could to avoid anyone else knowing....or you needed to try to steal your neighbors when they weren't looking. I guess this must have been the early lessons for many of those that judge others by the abundance of their "cherries." I, on the other hand, seemed to be the one that secretly managed to move them from my plate, to the plate of my neighbor, who always seemed to be devastated by not getting any cherries. I could see how much it mattered to those around me, but what did I care? I was the kid with the coke bottle glasses, I had my own problems. Who cares about some cherries?? It would just mean more ridicule on the playground not to have any. I was used to that, my friends weren't.
So I guess I wasn't one of the "cherry counters" in kindergarten, I was a "cherry giver."
Which one are you???
FYI-Did you know that Del Monte actually pays a person to count the number of cherries that go into their fruit? Each can must contain a minimum of 2 cherries.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
This is all new to me....
So I was turned on to this blog thing by one of my dearest friends, who I miss very much, who lives in a land far, far, away....I mean, well, um...okay, 3 hours away. Apparently she is now a blog addict... and soon, I too will become drawn in. Yeah, yeah, moth to a flame kinda stuff.
Back to my point...which, right now, I don't remember what that was....side effects of government employment.
So needless to say, you'll be hearning from me.
Back to my point...which, right now, I don't remember what that was....side effects of government employment.
So needless to say, you'll be hearning from me.
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