Thank you, Grandy for this award!! I hardly deserve it since I'm not a very good blogger. But I do what I can, I guess. I read a lot, I juist don't give as much feedback as I should. I have yet to learn your cool strike through feature, which I'm sure I would use when I do get to blog. I am still very blog challenged, so I feel kinda dumb when I can't do all the cool things you all have on your sites. Guess I'll have to ask Santa for a copy of "Blogging for dummies".
Since I am posting this on Veteran's day. I would like to take a moment to remember all the men and women who have served in order for me to actually have this blog and be able to say anyting I want on it....and to those who are still serving today. Thank you to all, may you always be remembered and never forgotten.
I would also llike to give a shout out to MZ's girls tennis team. They have made it to the CCS playoffs for the first time in a few years and they have their first match this afternoon. They also finished 2nd in thier league beating out Santa Catalina way to go!!). Good luck, and congratulations!
Thanks again, Mar, for the award. I'll try to blog more, really....
It's like the blue diamond almonds...once a week is all we ask. :)
Once a WEEK I said!!!
some inspiration to blog -- you've been tagged
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