Monday, February 11, 2008

Ways to de-stress

I like to post about things I've read and/or seen on television, internet, etc...well, during a recent trip to my pharmacy, I came across some information about stress..which we all suffer from on a daily basis. Here were some tips that I wanted to share...and maybe share a few of my comments..enjoy..

1. Take a deep breath. Shallow breathing can contribute to stressful feelings. So try this easy exercise: Close off your right nostril and inhale slowly through the left. Hold that breath for a count of five. Then close off your left nostril and exhale out of your right nostril. Do this for about five minutes. Breathing slowly and deeply helps prevent stress from overwhelming you.
hmmm...yes, I think breathing is pretty important to do on a daily basis...don't think I could live without it...hehehe...

2. Reach for protein. When work gets in the way of eating, we tend to reach for quick fix snacks that are high in caffeine and sugar. Instead, try snacking on foods that are richer in energy boosting proteins and minerals like potassium, which gets reduced when we're stressed. Better alternatives: peanut butter on a banana or whole wheat crackers. I hate it when work gets in the way, don't you?

3. Write it down. Start a journal where you can jot down some of your thoughts about what's bothering you and help yourself put stress into perspectvie. Hey, maybe I should start a blog...hehehe..

4. Get out and walk. Walking just five minutes with your mind concentrated on your stride and rhythmic breathing does wonders to clear your mind. If you can't walk (or don't want do), simply step outside, swing your arms back and forth and breathe deeply for an energy boost. There's that breathing thing again...must be of some importance.


Linda said...

I came here through your post of Grandy's site. What a timely post for me! I'm currently into my third day of writing a grant for my kids' theatre group... yikes! Those are very good things to remember, thanks for posting them!

Mike Golch said...

This is a great posting,you have hit the nail right on the head with yhis one.Mike

Grandy said...

Ahhhh Dens...I know you meant this for me. Or maybe it was just so appropriate it just feels that way. Either way...thanks!! I've got a couple of them down. :)

Michele said...

Fantabulous tips! Like Linda, I followed over from Grandy's blog.

Have a smashing day!


Dens said...

Linda and Michele-thank you guys so much for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from new friends. Your visits and comments are always welcome. I have visited your sites too and I love them all. thanks again.

Mike-thanks for stopping by it's good to hear from you.

Grandy-Yes, it was for you...and for me...and for all of us. But I was thinking about you. I figure we can all use them..and fun to share..

Grandy said...

Keep up the good work Dens!!

Grandy said...

Psst...came back to try to remember how to de-stress. ;)